Monday, May 24, 2010

32 week appointment

Today I had my 32 week appt. I wont actually be 32 weeks until Wednesday, but still :P hehe. I am now going to appts every 2 weeks. So next I'll go at 34 then 36.. then I believe I start going once a week at 37 weeks.

The appt went well. I've gained 3 lbs since my 30w appt, so that puts me at 11 lbs total weight gain. My blood pressure was good too. A bit lower than usual, but still in the expected range. Tristan is doing good too! He/my fundus are measuring right on schedule. His HB was in the 130's, and he decided to stick an elbow or something up for the doctor to look at lol. It was funny.

My next appt is on Wed. June 9th. I will be 34 weeks on that day. Then my next appt after that will be sometime during my 36th week. I found out today that at the 36w appt I will have my first internal (cervical check) as well as my Group B Strep testing. Yay. lol.

I can't believe how close it is getting! In 5 weeks I will be full term.. so Tristan can come anywhere from a minimum of 5 weeks, to a max of 10 weeks!! So exciting. Thank you for reading :).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3/4 D Ultrasound

On May 7th I had my 3/4 D ultrasound. It was so much fun :). My mom was kind enough to buy it for me. Well. First off, Tristan is still a boy! yay.

Tristan had his back against my belly, and was being lazy. He didn't wanna roll over, but we were able to get some side of face and like 2/3 face shots. Here are some of my favorites.

Here they are!

Pouty face :P. The u/s tech had just made him mad. He poked out that bottom lip and grimaced. So cute!
All snuggled into mommy's side. lol Left hand by face.

Both hands and feet. Feet are on left. Left ankle crossed over right.

Side profile of his face. Left hand at chin.

29 Week Belly Pics :)

I'm late posting... once again. But here are my 29 week belly pics. Some are bare. They were actually taken at 28 weeks 6 days, on May 4th. But who's bein technical? :P hehe I hope you enjoy them. They wouldn't upload beside each other like I can normally get my pics to.