Thursday, December 17, 2009

Our First Ultrasound!

Today we got to see our little one for the very first time. It was such a beautiful moment! Paul cried and cried :) It was so sweet. We got to see the baby kicking/moving all around. We also got to hear the heartbeat, and it was the most gorgeous sound ever. It definately is real now for the both of us! I got 3 pics, and had to take pics of them with my camera. So they aren't that great. I will try to scan them soon so that I have better pics to show you guys. Well here is the debut of baby Gentle! :) In the first pic, the head is on the left but not very visible. In the second, the head is on the right. The round object you see on the left is a yolk sack.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yay for a letter

Yesterday I got a letter in the mail that I didn't expect for 2-3 more weeks. My acceptance letter for Medicaid! Yay, so the LO and I have insurance now and I couldn't be happier about that. It was so precious; under my name, bday and insurance # said Unborn A. Gentle and the baby's EDD, and insurance #. That got me so excited for this LO. As days go by I feel more confident in the fact that everything will be fine. Although I still worry.

This is day 3 of not feeling like crap. I have had adversions,cravings, and nausea off and on. But the morning sickness and fatigue isn't constantly bringing me down. I reckon that's a good thing, but I can't help but worry a little.

In just 11 days I will get to see my LO!! Just 11 days! Oh my how it seems like forever, but close at the same time :) I also have my WIC appt tomorrow so that we can start getting WIC checks. I'm sure that will help out a lot. I hope everyone is doing well :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Appointments are in place!

Yesterday I had an appt with Best Start. Best Start is a program in Alabama for women on Medicaid. They work kinda like a social worker and are the middle-man between you, medicaid, and your OB. They really help you to figure things out, and are there for you during your pregnancy. My B.S. worker helped me pick out an OB and called to make an appt for me.

My first OB appt will be Tuesday 12-22, and I will be 9w6d at that appointment. Only 1 day away from 10 whole weeks!!!

I still get to have that free u/s from the pregnancy clinic. It will be Thursday 12-17, and I will be 9w1d at that appt.

I am so excited to see my LO for the first time and to hear his/her heartbeat. I can only imagine how magical it will be when Paul and I know for sure that something is live, well , and growing inside. I have my fears of course, but I'm trying to stay positive.

Update on me: I am 7w1d today, so only 1 week until I am a full 2 months pregnant! Symptoms have really started to kick in, so now in addition to the fatigue, bloating, tightness/cramping I now have: real morning sickness... horrible nausea but not enough to actually vomit, headaches, food adversions, and every now and then.. cravings :).

You can see updates on my LO on the ticker to the right side of the page :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Baby's First Gifts

Our little one has already aquired some gifts. Tons of which are just hand-me-down clothes. But here is the latest/cutest stuff.
The first gifts are from Paul's grandmother:

His/her very first Alabama gear

And first Auburn stuffed tiger (yea we are a house divided)

Next is gifts from my mom:

Auburn and Bama bibs :)

The top 2 have each logo and stars, the second 2 says Color me (crimson tide and tigers), then the bottom one says furture crimson tide and tiger

A "my first christmas outfit" It says that on the pocket :) Covered in santas and reindeer

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Slacker Cont'd.

Well that all was mainly insurance/doc related.. so now I will update you on my pregnancy and life in general.

I don't really "feel" pregnant yet, and I am suprisingly anxiously awaiting my first signs of morning sickness lol. That is, if I get them. Currently my symptoms are as follows (they come and go): Fatigue, Sore/tender/swollen breasts, cramping and tightness/pulling in lower abdomen, some queasyness but not bad enough to throw up lol, frequent urination, pretty bad gas, and I am of course.. quite moody. I think I covered it all.

I keep going back and forth about feeling positive, it's kinda hard when you don't feel anything. You kinda wonder if everything is going alright down there or not. Especially since I've had an early miscarriage before.

In other news... as you know this is Thanksgiving week. I had already told both my siblings, and my mom that I am pregnant. We had T-giving dinner on my moms side Tue. 11-24. I decided to tell my Grandparents that day at dinner. Since they were the only people there that didn't know. We used to do this thing where we would go around the table, and mention what we are thankful for. Well I told my mom, that I wanted to bring it back, and that be the way I tell my g-parents. So we stood in the living room and had prayer. Then my mom began the "I'm thankful". Then it ended with me. I said "I am thankful that I'm able to tell yall (looking at gparents) that you will be great-g-parents again." Grandma was shocked and automatically said "Is it a girl?". I told her it was too early to tell. She put in her order for a girl, as did my mom. All I have is nephews lol. My grandfather, who is not an emotional or outspoken man actually teared up and began to cry. It was a happy night :). My grandma took me shopping for yarn yesterday and is beginning to make an afghan for the LO. :D

I called my dad later that night, which was a hard decision to make. I knew he would be upset, considering our job situation and insurance and all. He was upset, but very happy and excited as well. He also put in an order for a girl. And gave me tons of advice and offered to help financially when we are having trouble making ends meet. He said although it's a bad time, he can't wait to spoil my LO rotten lol. (my mom says he has to stand in line :P). Well then today at T-giving dinner (at dads) I had him tell his family. Which he did in a joking manner. He said "Oh so Ashley is pregnant, and it's a girl.. and Paul had nothing to do with it" lol You would have to know my dad. I guess you can tell he wants a baby girl. I am sad to say that people over there weren't very excited about it.. really not many people have been excited anyways.

Then Paul and I went to his grandmothers for dinner. His brother (and his fiance) already knew the great news.. but no one else in the family did. This was a great opp to tell them since everyone was there. I wanted to wait until Christmas, but since my family all knows.. I understand why he would want to tell. I got a new camera from my mom as an early Xmas present. She got it for me so that I can document my pregnancy, and LO's life. I took it with us and decided to do the everyone say Ashley's pregnant thing. So we gathered everyone, and I held the camera (on vid record). And Paul finally said it. The majority of the ppl didn't catch it, and the ones that did said Congrats. His father didn't realize what he had said for about 10 minutes, after he left the room and came back. His g-ma and dad were excited, but everyone else was kinda mediocre about it. I reckon its something that has to grow on everyone :)

Well the cat is pretty much out of the bag to everyone. I wont tell friends and FB until nearly Christmas, when I will be a little over 10w. I figure thats a bit in the safe zone. Hopefully I will keep you guys updated better so that I don't have to type these long a$$ posts lmao. Thank you to all and any who actually took the time to read.

I hope that you all had a great Turkey Day!!!

Such A Slacker

Man am I a slacker lol :). I just realized, so much has happened and nobody knows about it. I reckon it's time to give yall a nice update.

Well not long after my BFP I had to go to a Pregnancy Hotline Center for written proof of pregnancy so that I may apply for Medicaid. They gave me an EDD of July 21st, 2010 based off my LMP. So that makes me 6w1d today :). I have decided to go by that date, even though I ovulated late and that I have long cycles. I figure, the doc is going to automatically go by my LMP so I should to. If they need to change it at my ultrasound because I'm measuring behind then I will change the date I go by as well. The P.H.C. set up a free U/S for Dec. 17th given I haven't seen a OB by then. I will be roughly 9w3d at that time.

Last Tuesday, 11-24, I had an appt to apply for Medicaid. Which went well. I am just waiting for confirmation that I am accepted. Which they said could take up to 45 days! Omg that is a long effing time!!! And in the process, they set up an appt for Best Start, which is a pregnancy program here in Huntsville. Best Start is pretty much your go-between for Medicaid, as well as your OB and the hospital. They do a lot of stuff with you to make sure that everything goes well.

My Best Start appt is Wed. Dec 2nd. They wont let me leave without picking an OB and setting up an appt (omg I know.. I haven't seen a doc yet). And then I will set up an appt with WIC so I can start getting checks from them. Unfortunately, my doc doesn't accept Medicaid.. well she does once in a blue moon. But I don't want to wait until I am approved to ask her if she will take me, and get turned down. I think I should be seen by then, so I will be picking a new OB sometime between now and my Best Start appt. Luckily, many of the OB's on the list will see you if your Medicaid is pending, and you don't have to pay a dime unless Medicaid doesn't accept you. Which I should be accepted.

Omg. I feel like I am typing way too much, sorry guys. There is just SOOO much to catch you up on. I will continue in another blog entry.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This calls for a new blog title!

So as you may see, I renamed my title to "Growing Up Gentle". Yup.. this AM I got 3 BFP's!!! 2 of them were FRER, and the other was a FR Digital. Here is a pic above. I am 11 DPO, and on CD 35/36. I will be due toward the end of July. July 30, 2010 is what FF put as my EDD :). I am so excited, but also worried because DH is still unemployed. But I know that God will see us through :). I just hope and pray that this baby sticks!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

It's been a while

I just realized that I haven't posted in a while. I guess I could do an update lol. We are still waiting to hear back from Paul's interview. So we are currently still TAB. I have been working at a local farm, and the season is almost over. So soon enough I will be looking for a job too. As much as I really don't want to, I know that it has to be done.

I'm currently fertile, which pretty much sucks because we "aren't trying" right now. But I guess I will just relax and see where God takes me :). It would be pretty awesome if we conceived while TAB, and it just kinda happened. I know that we would be seen through the troubles, and that everything would work out ok.

So really right now we are in the "wait and see" stage with his job, and I've been busy busy trying to make some money. Hopefully I will be able to post with good news fairly soon :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Paul's interview

Well, yesterday Paul had an interview with a company very similar to the one he was working for last. Only difference is, he would be working on Naval things instead of Army. And he would actually have more to do :). The good thing is, he has the experience necessary. So the guy interviewing him gave him a tour, then talked to him for about 45 mins or so. They asked what he wanted for pay, he said $13/hr. Which is more than he got as his last job.

They didn't give a negative response, and later told him that he will probably get a call back. They are doing a few waves of interviews, and then 2-3 waves of hiring. They said if he isn't picked up on the 1st wave, then he will most likely be on the 2nd. They liked him, and were impressed that he was a truck driver in the Army. **bonus** lol for the job. And the awesome thing is, since it is direct hire... benefits/insurance would start automatically instead of having to wait a probationary period. So, once we are ready, if he gets hired. We could jump back onto TTC :) I hope he gets it. Good luck and FX to my love.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

National Pregnancy/Infant Loss Rememberance Day

Today, October 15th, is Natl. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberance Day. Many people across the world will be lighting candles between 7 and 8 pm (their own time) to honor all of the angel babies. Whether they may have experienced a loss themselves, or know someone who has, or just want to pay tribute, they will light a candle :). So if you have the time tonight, please light a candle for the angel babies.. and say a little prayer. I know that I am lighting 2 candles tonight, one for my angel baby.. and one for everyone's angel babies. Here is a website discussing the history of N.P.&I.L.R.D. It was actually voted on, and passed as a holiday. Thank you for your support!

Well, I lit my candles at 7:40pm. I got home a bit late from visiting with my mom and grandpa. But here is a pic, althought it is poor quality.

First post

I would like to welcome all of you to my blog :). Here I will just type about whatever I am feeling at the moment, or when I just need to get something off my chest. This month marks Cycle#4 of TTC. And Paul and I have to take a break. Right now he is unemployed, so until he has another job and insurance.. no baby making lol. Luckily, today he got a call. And he has an interview tomorrow. Yay! I hope that it goes well, and I know he does too. Well. I hope you all are having a nice day!