Thursday, October 15, 2009

National Pregnancy/Infant Loss Rememberance Day

Today, October 15th, is Natl. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberance Day. Many people across the world will be lighting candles between 7 and 8 pm (their own time) to honor all of the angel babies. Whether they may have experienced a loss themselves, or know someone who has, or just want to pay tribute, they will light a candle :). So if you have the time tonight, please light a candle for the angel babies.. and say a little prayer. I know that I am lighting 2 candles tonight, one for my angel baby.. and one for everyone's angel babies. Here is a website discussing the history of N.P.&I.L.R.D. It was actually voted on, and passed as a holiday. Thank you for your support!

Well, I lit my candles at 7:40pm. I got home a bit late from visiting with my mom and grandpa. But here is a pic, althought it is poor quality.

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