Wednesday, February 17, 2010

18 week update

Hey everyone! I am 18 weeks pregnant today :) I can't believe how close to being 1/2 way there I am! I had a doctors appointment today and I thought I would give everyone a little update. In true Ashley fashion, I suck at updates so this will be long. Sorry :(

My appt went well. I got to meet my doc for the first time, (other doc in office had been seeing me) and I really like her :) They are both super nice docs! She and I talked for a while, and she really answered some questions. I let a student come in and observe. She was so sweet, and touched me like she was afraid to hurt me lol. My doc did a doppler. Found the HB right away! It was 140BPM, and if you remember, at my last appt it was 150. I think the baby was sleeping today lol.

They had to draw a tube of blood. It's for the other 1/2 of my quad screen in which they took blood at my last appt. I will get the results of the whole screen at my next appt. They stuck my arm twice and my vein died, so she stuck me in the right arm. My left arm hurts lol! I'm so glad I'm done being stuck for a little while.

We made the appt for our BIG ULTRASOUND!!!!! I'm so excited if you couldn't tell :). It will be on Wed. 2-24. I have to be in the office at 11 am, and then testing starts at 11:30. We can't wait to find out what our little one is :) I'm hoping my mom can make it. She has a meeting at 12:30, so we will have to see :( My next OB appt will be 3-17.

Even though I was extremely happy to hear my baby's heartbeat today, and to set up my ultrasound.. it was with a heavy heart. We found out late last night that Paul's cousin had passed away. She wasn't doing very well, and was in a Surgical ICU in another state. RIP.... I try to remember the positive sides of all these losses we have dealt with in the past few months. But it's not always easy.

Regardless, I am still so excited to know that I will be a mother in 2010. And so far, baby is just fine.. I just gotta start gaining weight lol :)

If you read all of this, thank you :)


  1. I think you are due exactly 1 day after me! Making the big appointment is so exciting! I just did that this week too - but we have to wait until March 1. Sorry to hear about the cousin's passing - so difficult to balance the sadness with the exciting time.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Paul's cousin, you are in my prayers. Can't wait until your big appt!

  3. Sorry for your loss. :o(

    Otherwise, congratulations on a great dr. appt! Next week is not that far away. What are you hoping for? :o)

  4. KT- I'm not sure I recongize ya. Do I know you from one of my websites? lol. I'm due July 21st. Yea, I'm so excited! I can't believe it's already time to find out. Things are going by so fast. Aww, you don't have too much longer to wait! Just 5 days after me :D Thank you hun. I really appreciate it.

  5. Joelle- Thank you sweetie. It means a lot! hehe I can't wait either!

    Domo- hey girl. Thank you hun, I really appreciate it :) It's hard to have so many losses while being pregnant. But, I'm making it. Ty, the appt was so relieving! lol. And nope, 6 days is not that far! We are both hoping for a girl. :)

  6. Sorry to hear about your loss!! I am so excited that you got to schedule your ultrasound appointment and can't wait to find out what you are having. I think you look like your gonna have a girl! : )
