Thursday, November 26, 2009

Slacker Cont'd.

Well that all was mainly insurance/doc related.. so now I will update you on my pregnancy and life in general.

I don't really "feel" pregnant yet, and I am suprisingly anxiously awaiting my first signs of morning sickness lol. That is, if I get them. Currently my symptoms are as follows (they come and go): Fatigue, Sore/tender/swollen breasts, cramping and tightness/pulling in lower abdomen, some queasyness but not bad enough to throw up lol, frequent urination, pretty bad gas, and I am of course.. quite moody. I think I covered it all.

I keep going back and forth about feeling positive, it's kinda hard when you don't feel anything. You kinda wonder if everything is going alright down there or not. Especially since I've had an early miscarriage before.

In other news... as you know this is Thanksgiving week. I had already told both my siblings, and my mom that I am pregnant. We had T-giving dinner on my moms side Tue. 11-24. I decided to tell my Grandparents that day at dinner. Since they were the only people there that didn't know. We used to do this thing where we would go around the table, and mention what we are thankful for. Well I told my mom, that I wanted to bring it back, and that be the way I tell my g-parents. So we stood in the living room and had prayer. Then my mom began the "I'm thankful". Then it ended with me. I said "I am thankful that I'm able to tell yall (looking at gparents) that you will be great-g-parents again." Grandma was shocked and automatically said "Is it a girl?". I told her it was too early to tell. She put in her order for a girl, as did my mom. All I have is nephews lol. My grandfather, who is not an emotional or outspoken man actually teared up and began to cry. It was a happy night :). My grandma took me shopping for yarn yesterday and is beginning to make an afghan for the LO. :D

I called my dad later that night, which was a hard decision to make. I knew he would be upset, considering our job situation and insurance and all. He was upset, but very happy and excited as well. He also put in an order for a girl. And gave me tons of advice and offered to help financially when we are having trouble making ends meet. He said although it's a bad time, he can't wait to spoil my LO rotten lol. (my mom says he has to stand in line :P). Well then today at T-giving dinner (at dads) I had him tell his family. Which he did in a joking manner. He said "Oh so Ashley is pregnant, and it's a girl.. and Paul had nothing to do with it" lol You would have to know my dad. I guess you can tell he wants a baby girl. I am sad to say that people over there weren't very excited about it.. really not many people have been excited anyways.

Then Paul and I went to his grandmothers for dinner. His brother (and his fiance) already knew the great news.. but no one else in the family did. This was a great opp to tell them since everyone was there. I wanted to wait until Christmas, but since my family all knows.. I understand why he would want to tell. I got a new camera from my mom as an early Xmas present. She got it for me so that I can document my pregnancy, and LO's life. I took it with us and decided to do the everyone say Ashley's pregnant thing. So we gathered everyone, and I held the camera (on vid record). And Paul finally said it. The majority of the ppl didn't catch it, and the ones that did said Congrats. His father didn't realize what he had said for about 10 minutes, after he left the room and came back. His g-ma and dad were excited, but everyone else was kinda mediocre about it. I reckon its something that has to grow on everyone :)

Well the cat is pretty much out of the bag to everyone. I wont tell friends and FB until nearly Christmas, when I will be a little over 10w. I figure thats a bit in the safe zone. Hopefully I will keep you guys updated better so that I don't have to type these long a$$ posts lmao. Thank you to all and any who actually took the time to read.

I hope that you all had a great Turkey Day!!!


  1. Aww...hon that is so sweet! I am so glad that you told everyone during this season right now! I cannot wait until my dreams come true but until then I will rejoice with you.

  2. Thanks Joelle! I can't wait for you to get that bfp hun :). It'll be one happy day! :)
