Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Double Digits!

Today I am 25 weeks & 6 days pregnant, and it is a momentous occasion. Why you ask? Because now I am in the double digits! There are only 99 days until my due date, and it is so exciting for it to finally be under 100 :). I can't believe that I will meet our son somewhere in the next 3 months or so. It's amazing, exciting, and overwhelming all at once.

I'm a bit nervous though today. My next OB appt is tomorrow (4-14) and I have my glucose tolerance test tomorrow. I'm not excited about that at all!! I'm so afraid that I will find out I have gest. diabetes. Dunno why, just a strange hunch. I am however, very excited that I get to hear baby boy's heartbeat tomorrow.

Just thought I would share :)

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo for double digits! And for some reason I'm freaked out about the gestational diabetes test as well. Good luck tomorrow!
